Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Monday 11th September 2023

No incidents reported

Sunday 10th September 2023

No incidents reported

Saturday 9th September 2023

No incidents reported

Friday 8th September 2023

[Resolved] Secondary sign-in not accepting password.

[Resolved] Springboard access issues have been resolved.


We are aware of an issue where when you are logged into your Springboard and enter a specific area such as the "Manage Users" area, that a secondary prompt appears asking you to input your password to sign in again and then not accepting that password. Our team is currently working on resolving this issue.

Thursday 7th September 2023

No incidents reported

Wednesday 6th September 2023

Springboard [Resolved] Springboard slow-moving

[Resolved] Springboard is now functioning at its normal speed.


We are reviewing the status of the Springboard being unresponsive at times. It may perform slowly or fail to load pages.

Tuesday 5th September 2023

No incidents reported